Daisy Mae

Monday, May 23, 2005

Saturday,......in the back yard!

Daisy is doing just fantastic.
Diane you must be sure to tell her trainer she did a remarkable job.

I already told you that my Irish and Daisy were able to roam the housetogether with out any problems.
We still kept her separate from Annie,beagle and Dakota GShep mix though.

Well, yesterday low and behold Daisy forced the issue and forced her way out the back door to seeAnnie.

It was amazing Daisy WANTED to see Annie.

Last night Annie andDaisy slept together on the bed with me.

Today while I was out transporting Daisy introduced herself to Dakota.

We do, however, make sure they are not together unless one off us is right there.

Diane you would be truly amazed and proud of her. We never once tried to introduce them Daisy did it all on her own. What an amazing girl!

It's been a long day and right now, Annie,Daisy, Irish and I are going to take a nap. Bob took Dakota fishing(male bonding).


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